Friday, August 14, 2009

Boyfriends 27th Birthday!

August 13 was Bryan's birthday and I was so much more excited than he was. Apparently, 27 isn't one of those ages people get excited for. I ordered him something he's really going to like [which I can't disclose since they haven't arrived in the mail yet] and made him a few craftlicious things.

Behold thee elusive Jackalope. We had both come up with the idea to mount crocheted animal busts onto stained plaques a few months ago but I had never gotten around to the busts once he had taught me how to stain the plaque. After a few months of hibernation in the garage I though it would make a really cute/funny birthday present for him.

For the past 2 years I've sent something to his office on his birthday. The first year was balloons. A candy basket was sent the next year. This year I wanted to do something different so, of course, homemade cupcakes were in order! With the help of Gopal and Ashi, my best guy friend and his cousin who work in the same office as Boyfriend, the cupcakes along with some "Happy Birthday" balloons were delivered to Bryans desk while he was out to lunch with Gop. It just so happens that when I was leaving their parking lot I missed being spotted by the skin of my teeth. Just as I was pulling away from the office, they were pulling in.

After work he headed over to my hood and we went to Outback for some yummies and then back to my house for presents and the most delicious thing I've ever baked. Bryans favorite, German Chocolate Cake. I didn't want to smash candles in my greatest achievement ever so I just held the #2 and #7 candles while he blew them out. Mmmmm... birthday success.

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